Friday, December 13, 2013

NO DIFFERENT FOR US...Pope's Mass: Rejecting the message because you reject the messenger doe...

 During his daily morning Mass, the Pope talked about preaching, explaining that some Christians reject the message simply because they reject the messenger. Reflecting on today\'s Gospel, the Pope said this explains why John the Baptist and Jesus were rejected, despite their truthful words.

10 phrases by Pope Francis that have changed the world

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pope: It\'s not a lie, Jesus Resurrected!

Jesus Resurrected!, Jesus Resurrected! Indeed!  Jesus Resurrected!

The Resurrection of Jesus gives us the seed of ...

Published on Dec 4, 2013
In his catechesis Pope Francis focused on the Resurrection. He explained why the Resurrection of Christ is interconnected with that of humanity and strengthened through the Sacraments.

Paul's note: Now we may have to listen carefully and meditate on the significance of those words of LIFE ..... the concept of the creation of Souls is mysterious, of Eternal souls even more ....and a deep reflection may just reveal to us the Role of the Risen our Own Resurrection ...promised.