Monday, March 31, 2014

English interview Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi - Witness (+playlist)

Published on Mar 27, 2014

Apostolic Nuncios are personal representatives of the Holy Father in each country, and are living reminders of the universality of the Church. A nuncio works closely with the local churches (dioceses) and the Conference of Bishops to foster communication between the Church in that country with the Holy Father and the many Vatican departments. The nuncio serves as the official representative of the Holy See to the government of the country to which he is assigned.

Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi was born in Gazzaniga, Italy, on June 19, 1948, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1973 for the Diocese of Bergamo. He served in the diplomatic missions of the Holy See in Cameroon, Trinidad and Tobago, Malta, Mozambique, Spain, the U.S.A., and Italy, as well in Canada.

On June 19, 1999, Archbishop Bonazzi was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti, followed by service as Apostolic Nuncio to Cuba from 2004-2009. He then served as Apostolic Nuncio to Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. He was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Canada in December 2013 and formally began his mission in Canada in mid-March 2014.

Join Fr. Thomas Rosica in this wide-ranging interview with Canada's new Apostolic Nuncio, clearly a pastor, shepherd, and diplomat who embodies the joy of the Gospel in his service to the universal Church.



Pope Francis Appoints S.E. Mgr Luigi Bonazzi, Nonce apostolique au Canada

Les Nonces apostoliques sont aujourd'hui les représentants personnels du Saint-Père auprès des différents pays du monde. Ils sont le rappel vivant de l'universalité de l'Église et servent de liaison officielle entre le pays où ils se trouvent et le Saint-Siège. Puisque leur mission leur permet d'avoir une vue d'ensemble sur plusieurs enjeux, les nonces jouent un rôle-clé dans l'orientation de l'Église catholique dans un pays donné. Né à Gazzaniga en Italie, le 19 juin 1948, Monseigneur Luigi Bonazzi a été ordonné prêtre le 30 juin 1973, pour le diocèse de Bergamo. Docteur en sciences de l'éducation, il est entré au service diplomatique du Saint-Siège en 1980. Il a tout d'abord servi dans les missions diplomatiques du Saint-Siège au Cameroun, Trinidad et Tobago, Malte, Mozambique, Espagne, États-Unis d'Amérique et Italie, de même au Canada en 1999. Le 19 juin 1999, Mgr Bonazzi est nommé Nonce apostolique en Haïti et par la suite est nommé à Cuba de 2004-2009. Depuis 2009, il a servi comme Nonce en Lituanie, Estonie et Lettonie. Dans cette entrevue "Témoin" vous rencontrerez un homme qui vit pleinement le sens d'Evangelii Gaudium, Son Excellence Monseigneur Luigi Bonazzi, nouveau Nonce apostolique au Canada, nommé par le pape François le 18 décembre 2013. Il a pris ses fonctions mi-mars 2014.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Pope Francis on penance: Conversion is not just for Lent

Pope Francis set the example for Catholics worldwide, as he stepped up to a confession booth and confessed himself before a packed St. Peter\'s Basilica. With this small but powerful gesture, he kicked off the "24 Hours for the Lord" initiative around the world.Pope Francis set the example for Catholics worldwide, as he stepped up to a confession booth and confessed himself before a packed St. Peter\'s Basilica. With this small but powerful gesture, he kicked off the "24 Hours for the Lord" initiative around the world.

New song celebrates Father Oscar Romero, marking 34 anniversary of his m...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

One year with The Holy Father Un an avec le Pape François, le clip

In honor of the Holy Father' s one year as Pope...
listen to 8 minutes and comment if you please...
If you appreciated his ministry.
