He was a regular teen from Indianapolis who loved to play the guitar. Now, Fr. Michael Perry lives in Rome and is the Minister General of the Franciscans.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
Pope Francis is following the Holy Spirit in reaching out to Evangelicals: evangelical bishop
Pope Francis is following the Holy Spirit in reaching out to Evangelicals: evangelical bishop
Meeting over lunch at Pontiff's residence took three hours
By Deborah Gyapong
A sign with a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit is seen as Pope Francis greets the crowd after celebrating a Mass at which he confirmed 44 people in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican in April. CNS photo / Paul Haring.
A meeting of evangelical and charismatic Protestant leaders with Pope Francis June 24 may lead to concrete steps forward for a visible unity after 500 years of division, says Bishop Tony Palmer.
"We met Pope Francis; we are accepting his call and trying to put an end to division," Palmer said in a July 1 interview from South Africa.
"We are already one in Christ, but we're not in visible unity," the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC) bishop said. "We need to demonstrate that."
The unprecedented three-hour private meeting over lunch at the Pope's residence at Casa Santa Marta was not on the Pope's official agenda and took place with no Vatican secretaries present.
In addition to Palmer, the leaders meeting with Francis included World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) head Geoff Tunnicliffe, who divides his time between Vancouver and New York City; WEA's theological commission chair Thomas Schirrmacher; WEA's global ambassador Brian Stiller, a former president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) and Tyndale University College in Toronto; Toronto-based Catch The Fire founding ministers John and Carol Arnott; and popular American televangelists James and Betty Robison, founders of Life Outreach Int. and Kenneth Copeland, founder of KCM Ministries.
At the meeting, the leaders "expressed our common desire to work toward the visible unity," Palmer said. "Because we all agree that [Martin] Luther's central protest of salvation by grace through faith was accepted in 1999 in the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by the Catholic and Lutheran Churches, we today, as evangelicals, can make a public statement that we are united in faith in a common understanding of the justification of salvation and secondly we agree on the same definition of salvation. That means we can also agree to announce together the salvation message."
"So we asked Pope Francis, as a delegation, to offer us further insight into how we can make a common declaration --a public visible joint-declaration of our unity in the faith and unity in mission," Palmer said.
"While I facilitated a meeting, I made sure everyone had time to speak to Pope Francis about their own personal agendas," he said.
"Pope Francis very clear in stressing the unity we are speaking of is a reconciliation of diversity," Palmer said, noting the concept of reconciling diversity comes from Lutheran theologian Oscar Cullman who was an observer at the Second Vatican Council and influential on Catholic thought regarding ecumenism.
"Pope Francis agrees with me when I say diversity is divine, but division is diabolic," Palmer said. " Pope Francis is fully aware of the necessity for diversity. We need each other. Together, united, we represent the fullness of Christ through our reconciled diversity."
Ordained a priest 10 years ago with the CEEC and subsequently a bishop in the Anglican-style body not affiliated with the Anglican Communion, Palmer organized and facilitated the meeting with Pope Francis, acting as his translator.
For the past ten years under three Popes, at the invitation of the Roman Catholic Church, Palmer has worked with the Catholic charismatic movement in Rome and elsewhere, including a stint in Buenos Aires, where he became friends with the future pope Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
His work for the Church required he raise his own financing. Having worked for the Copeland's KCM Ministries in South Africa in the 1990s, the Copeland's provided funding for Palmer and his family to do their work in Rome and in Buenos Aires. Palmer also received some help from Robison's ministries as well.
After Bergoglio became Pope, Palmer was stunned to receive a phone call from Francis, inviting to meet with him in Rome last January. At that meeting, with no agenda, Palmer told the Pope he was going to be traveling to Texas later that month to a conference Copeland was hosting for charismatic leaders. At the Pope's suggestion, Palmer recorded a spontaneous message from Francis on his iPhone that was later edited with English subtitles and played on a big screen at the conference and greeted with a standing ovation.
In the video, which has gone viral, Pope Francis speaks about how sin has separated us, "all our sins. The misunderstandings throughout history. It has been a long road of sins that we all shared in."
"Who is to blame? We all share the blame," the Pope said. We have all sinned. There is only one blameless, the Lord. I am nostalgic (yearning) that this separation comes to an end and gives us communion."
The Pope said he yearned "for that embrace that the Holy Scripture speaks of when Joseph's brothers began to start from hunger, they went to Egypt to buy, so that they could eat," he said. "They went to buy. They had money. But they couldn't eat the money. But there they found something more than food, they found their brother."
"What's happening is a spontaneous move of the Holy Spirit which was ignited after the two of us got together in January and he very graciously made a video which was intended only to greet the leaders at the Copeland ministers' conference," Palmer said. "Speaking under the unction of the Holy Spirit, which Pope Francis, admitted, he challenged them, a call to evangelicals to seek a deeper communion than the mere sharing of bread."
"For many evangelicals, they want to have communion, they are seeking bread," Palmer said. "Pope Francis made us understand by using the analogy of Joseph's brothers, true communion is not in sharing bread, it is in sharing brotherhood.
"Basically Pope Francis is saying unless there is brotherhood, sharing the bread is not communion," he said.
"Even though Pope Francis obviously knows the definition of communion and the theology of the Eucharist, the essential essence of the Eucharist is our unity in Christ and fraternal bonds," Palmer said.
"This spoke deeply to the evangelical heart," Palmer said.
Palmer and the Pope met again in April to review the response from the Protestant world, and out of that meeting the decision was made to invite the leaders to the Vatican in June.
"This is uncharted territory; uncharted waters," Palmer stressed. "The Holy Spirit is our captain."
Pope Francis and I and the Vatican have "no protocol for what we are doing," he said. "We are trying to be courageous men of God. "We need prayers."
Friday, 04 July 2014 08:18
By Deborah Gyapong

A meeting of evangelical and charismatic Protestant leaders with Pope Francis June 24 may lead to concrete steps forward for a visible unity after 500 years of division, says Bishop Tony Palmer.
"We met Pope Francis; we are accepting his call and trying to put an end to division," Palmer said in a July 1 interview from South Africa.
"We are already one in Christ, but we're not in visible unity," the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC) bishop said. "We need to demonstrate that."
The unprecedented three-hour private meeting over lunch at the Pope's residence at Casa Santa Marta was not on the Pope's official agenda and took place with no Vatican secretaries present.
In addition to Palmer, the leaders meeting with Francis included World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) head Geoff Tunnicliffe, who divides his time between Vancouver and New York City; WEA's theological commission chair Thomas Schirrmacher; WEA's global ambassador Brian Stiller, a former president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) and Tyndale University College in Toronto; Toronto-based Catch The Fire founding ministers John and Carol Arnott; and popular American televangelists James and Betty Robison, founders of Life Outreach Int. and Kenneth Copeland, founder of KCM Ministries.
At the meeting, the leaders "expressed our common desire to work toward the visible unity," Palmer said. "Because we all agree that [Martin] Luther's central protest of salvation by grace through faith was accepted in 1999 in the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by the Catholic and Lutheran Churches, we today, as evangelicals, can make a public statement that we are united in faith in a common understanding of the justification of salvation and secondly we agree on the same definition of salvation. That means we can also agree to announce together the salvation message."
"So we asked Pope Francis, as a delegation, to offer us further insight into how we can make a common declaration --a public visible joint-declaration of our unity in the faith and unity in mission," Palmer said.
"While I facilitated a meeting, I made sure everyone had time to speak to Pope Francis about their own personal agendas," he said.
"Pope Francis very clear in stressing the unity we are speaking of is a reconciliation of diversity," Palmer said, noting the concept of reconciling diversity comes from Lutheran theologian Oscar Cullman who was an observer at the Second Vatican Council and influential on Catholic thought regarding ecumenism.
"Pope Francis agrees with me when I say diversity is divine, but division is diabolic," Palmer said. " Pope Francis is fully aware of the necessity for diversity. We need each other. Together, united, we represent the fullness of Christ through our reconciled diversity."
Ordained a priest 10 years ago with the CEEC and subsequently a bishop in the Anglican-style body not affiliated with the Anglican Communion, Palmer organized and facilitated the meeting with Pope Francis, acting as his translator.
For the past ten years under three Popes, at the invitation of the Roman Catholic Church, Palmer has worked with the Catholic charismatic movement in Rome and elsewhere, including a stint in Buenos Aires, where he became friends with the future pope Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
His work for the Church required he raise his own financing. Having worked for the Copeland's KCM Ministries in South Africa in the 1990s, the Copeland's provided funding for Palmer and his family to do their work in Rome and in Buenos Aires. Palmer also received some help from Robison's ministries as well.
After Bergoglio became Pope, Palmer was stunned to receive a phone call from Francis, inviting to meet with him in Rome last January. At that meeting, with no agenda, Palmer told the Pope he was going to be traveling to Texas later that month to a conference Copeland was hosting for charismatic leaders. At the Pope's suggestion, Palmer recorded a spontaneous message from Francis on his iPhone that was later edited with English subtitles and played on a big screen at the conference and greeted with a standing ovation.
In the video, which has gone viral, Pope Francis speaks about how sin has separated us, "all our sins. The misunderstandings throughout history. It has been a long road of sins that we all shared in."
"Who is to blame? We all share the blame," the Pope said. We have all sinned. There is only one blameless, the Lord. I am nostalgic (yearning) that this separation comes to an end and gives us communion."
The Pope said he yearned "for that embrace that the Holy Scripture speaks of when Joseph's brothers began to start from hunger, they went to Egypt to buy, so that they could eat," he said. "They went to buy. They had money. But they couldn't eat the money. But there they found something more than food, they found their brother."
"What's happening is a spontaneous move of the Holy Spirit which was ignited after the two of us got together in January and he very graciously made a video which was intended only to greet the leaders at the Copeland ministers' conference," Palmer said. "Speaking under the unction of the Holy Spirit, which Pope Francis, admitted, he challenged them, a call to evangelicals to seek a deeper communion than the mere sharing of bread."
"For many evangelicals, they want to have communion, they are seeking bread," Palmer said. "Pope Francis made us understand by using the analogy of Joseph's brothers, true communion is not in sharing bread, it is in sharing brotherhood.
"Basically Pope Francis is saying unless there is brotherhood, sharing the bread is not communion," he said.
"Even though Pope Francis obviously knows the definition of communion and the theology of the Eucharist, the essential essence of the Eucharist is our unity in Christ and fraternal bonds," Palmer said.
"This spoke deeply to the evangelical heart," Palmer said.
Palmer and the Pope met again in April to review the response from the Protestant world, and out of that meeting the decision was made to invite the leaders to the Vatican in June.
"This is uncharted territory; uncharted waters," Palmer stressed. "The Holy Spirit is our captain."
Pope Francis and I and the Vatican have "no protocol for what we are doing," he said. "We are trying to be courageous men of God. "We need prayers."
Le mal n'a "ni le premier ni le dernier mot"
Commentaire de la parabole du bon grain et de livraie (1192)
Face au mal, semé dans le monde par le Malin, Dieu patiente et pourra même transformer l’ivraie en bon grain, explique le pape François : le mal n’a « ni le premier ni le dernier mot » !
« L’attitude du propriétaire, a expliqué le pape, est celui de l’espérance fondée sur la certitude que le mal n’a ni le premier ni le dernier mot. Et c’est grâce à cette espérance patiente de Dieu que l’ivraie elle-même, c’est-à-dire le cœur méchant, avec tant de péchés, peut, à la fin, devenir du bon grain. »
Voici notre traduction intégrale des parole du pape François avant la prière de l'angélus de midi.
Allocution du pape François
Chers frères et soeurs, bonjour.
Ces dimanches-ci, la liturgie nous propose des paraboles évangéliques, c’est-à-dire de brefs récits que Jésus utilisait pour annoncer le Royaume des cieux aux foules.
Parmi celles présentes dans l’Evangile d’aujourd’hui, il y en a une plutôt complexe dont Jésus donne une explication à ses disciples : celle du bon grain et de l’ivraie, qui affronte le problème du mal dans le monde et met en relief la patience de Dieu (cf. Mt 13,24-30.36-43).
La scène se déroule dans un champ où le propriétaire sème le grain; mais une nuit, l’ennemi vient et sème l’ivraie (zizanie, en italien, ndlr), un terme qui dérive, en hébreu, de la même racine que le nom « Satan » et rappelle le concept de division. Nous savons tous que le démon est un « zizaniateur », celui qui cherche toujours à diviser les personnes, les familles, les nations et les peuples.
Ses serviteurs voudraient arracher tout de suite la mauvaise herbe, mais le propriétaire les en empêche en expliquant ceci : « Il ne faut pas qu’en récoltant l’ivraie, vous arrachiez aussi en même temps le bon grain » (Mt 13, 29).
Parce que nous savons tous que l’ivraie, lorsqu’elle pousse, ressemble beaucoup au bon grain et on risque de les confondre.
L’enseignement de la parabole est double. Il dit avant tout que le mal qu’il y a dans le monde ne vient pas de Dieu, mais de son ennemi, le Malin. C’est curieux, le Malin va semer l’ivraie la nuit, dans l’obscurité, dans la confusion ; il va là où il n’y a pas de lumière, pour semer l’ivraie. Cet ennemi est rusé : il a semé le mal au milieu du bien, si bien qu’il nous est impossible, à nous, les hommes, de les séparer nettement ; mais Dieu, à la fin, pourra le faire.
Et nous en arrivons au second thème : l’opposition entre l’impatience des serviteurs et l’attente patiente du propriétaire du champ, qui représente Dieu.
Parfois, nous avons une grande hâte de juger, de classifier, de mettre les bons ici, le méchants là… Mais souvenez-vous de la prière de cet homme orgueilleux : « Ô mon Dieu, je te remercie parce que je suis un homme bon, je ne suis pas comme les autres hommes, méchants… » (cf. Lc 18,11-12).
Dieu au contraire sait attendre. Il regarde, dans le “champ” de la vie de chacun avec patience et miséricorde : il voit beaucoup mieux que nous la saleté et le mal, mais il voit aussi les germes du bien et il attend avec confiance qu’ils mûrissent.
Dieu est patient, il sait attendre. Que c’est beau ! Notre Dieu est un père patient qui nous attend toujours et il nous attend le coeur sur la main pour nous accueillir, pour nous pardonner. Il nous pardonne toujours si nous allons vers lui.
L’attitude du propriétaire est celui de l’espérance fondée sur la certitude que le mal n’a ni le premier ni le dernier mot. Et c’est grâce à cette espérance patiente de Dieu que l’ivraie elle-même, c’est-à-dire le cœur méchant, avec tant de péchés, peut, à la fin, devenir du bon grain.
Mais attention! La patience évangélique n’est pas une indifférence au mal; on ne peut pas confondre le bien et le mal!
Face à l’ivraie présente dans le monde, le disciple du Seigneur est appelé à imiter la patience de Dieu, à nourrir l’espérance avec le soutien d’une confiance inébranlable dans la victoire finale du bien, c’est-à-dire de Dieu.
A la fin, en effet, le mal sera enlevé et éliminé : au moment de la moisson, c’est-à-dire du jugement, les moissonneurs exécuteront l’ordre du propriétaire séparant l’ivraie pour la brûler (cf. Mt 13,30).
En ce jour de la moisson finale, le juge sera Jésus, Celui qui a semé le bon grain dans le monde et qui est devenu Lui-même le « grain de blé », est mort, et est ressuscité
A la fin, nous serons tous jugé par la même mesure selon laquelle nous aurons jugé : la miséricorde dont nous aurons usée envers les autres sera aussi usée vis-à-vis de nous.
Demandons à la Vierge Marie, notre mère, de nous aider à grandir en patience, en espérance et en miséricorde vis-à-vis de tous nos frères.
Traduction de Zenit, Anita Bourdin
Commentaire de la parabole du bon grain et de livraie (1192)
Face au mal, semé dans le monde par le Malin, Dieu patiente et pourra même transformer l’ivraie en bon grain, explique le pape François : le mal n’a « ni le premier ni le dernier mot » !
Le pape a en effet commenté la parabole du bon grain et de l’ivraie, avant l’angélus de ce dimanche, 20 juillet, place Saint-Pierre.
Voici notre traduction intégrale des parole du pape François avant la prière de l'angélus de midi.
Allocution du pape François
Chers frères et soeurs, bonjour.
Ces dimanches-ci, la liturgie nous propose des paraboles évangéliques, c’est-à-dire de brefs récits que Jésus utilisait pour annoncer le Royaume des cieux aux foules.
Parmi celles présentes dans l’Evangile d’aujourd’hui, il y en a une plutôt complexe dont Jésus donne une explication à ses disciples : celle du bon grain et de l’ivraie, qui affronte le problème du mal dans le monde et met en relief la patience de Dieu (cf. Mt 13,24-30.36-43).
La scène se déroule dans un champ où le propriétaire sème le grain; mais une nuit, l’ennemi vient et sème l’ivraie (zizanie, en italien, ndlr), un terme qui dérive, en hébreu, de la même racine que le nom « Satan » et rappelle le concept de division. Nous savons tous que le démon est un « zizaniateur », celui qui cherche toujours à diviser les personnes, les familles, les nations et les peuples.
Ses serviteurs voudraient arracher tout de suite la mauvaise herbe, mais le propriétaire les en empêche en expliquant ceci : « Il ne faut pas qu’en récoltant l’ivraie, vous arrachiez aussi en même temps le bon grain » (Mt 13, 29).
Parce que nous savons tous que l’ivraie, lorsqu’elle pousse, ressemble beaucoup au bon grain et on risque de les confondre.
L’enseignement de la parabole est double. Il dit avant tout que le mal qu’il y a dans le monde ne vient pas de Dieu, mais de son ennemi, le Malin. C’est curieux, le Malin va semer l’ivraie la nuit, dans l’obscurité, dans la confusion ; il va là où il n’y a pas de lumière, pour semer l’ivraie. Cet ennemi est rusé : il a semé le mal au milieu du bien, si bien qu’il nous est impossible, à nous, les hommes, de les séparer nettement ; mais Dieu, à la fin, pourra le faire.
Et nous en arrivons au second thème : l’opposition entre l’impatience des serviteurs et l’attente patiente du propriétaire du champ, qui représente Dieu.
Parfois, nous avons une grande hâte de juger, de classifier, de mettre les bons ici, le méchants là… Mais souvenez-vous de la prière de cet homme orgueilleux : « Ô mon Dieu, je te remercie parce que je suis un homme bon, je ne suis pas comme les autres hommes, méchants… » (cf. Lc 18,11-12).
Dieu au contraire sait attendre. Il regarde, dans le “champ” de la vie de chacun avec patience et miséricorde : il voit beaucoup mieux que nous la saleté et le mal, mais il voit aussi les germes du bien et il attend avec confiance qu’ils mûrissent.
Dieu est patient, il sait attendre. Que c’est beau ! Notre Dieu est un père patient qui nous attend toujours et il nous attend le coeur sur la main pour nous accueillir, pour nous pardonner. Il nous pardonne toujours si nous allons vers lui.
L’attitude du propriétaire est celui de l’espérance fondée sur la certitude que le mal n’a ni le premier ni le dernier mot. Et c’est grâce à cette espérance patiente de Dieu que l’ivraie elle-même, c’est-à-dire le cœur méchant, avec tant de péchés, peut, à la fin, devenir du bon grain.
Mais attention! La patience évangélique n’est pas une indifférence au mal; on ne peut pas confondre le bien et le mal!
Face à l’ivraie présente dans le monde, le disciple du Seigneur est appelé à imiter la patience de Dieu, à nourrir l’espérance avec le soutien d’une confiance inébranlable dans la victoire finale du bien, c’est-à-dire de Dieu.
A la fin, en effet, le mal sera enlevé et éliminé : au moment de la moisson, c’est-à-dire du jugement, les moissonneurs exécuteront l’ordre du propriétaire séparant l’ivraie pour la brûler (cf. Mt 13,30).
En ce jour de la moisson finale, le juge sera Jésus, Celui qui a semé le bon grain dans le monde et qui est devenu Lui-même le « grain de blé », est mort, et est ressuscité
A la fin, nous serons tous jugé par la même mesure selon laquelle nous aurons jugé : la miséricorde dont nous aurons usée envers les autres sera aussi usée vis-à-vis de nous.
Demandons à la Vierge Marie, notre mère, de nous aider à grandir en patience, en espérance et en miséricorde vis-à-vis de tous nos frères.
Traduction de Zenit, Anita Bourdin
(20 juillet 2014) © Innovative Media Inc.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Friday, July 4, 2014
WYD Krakow 2016 unveils its logo
WYD in 2016 has a new logo. It's designed in blue, red and yellow, the three colors of the city of Krakow.
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