Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Pope Francis promulgates Motu Proprio instituting the ‘Secretariat for Communications’
Pope Francis promulgates Motu Proprio instituting the ‘Secretariat for Communications’
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis promulgated on Saturday, 27 June 2015, a Motu Proprio instituting the Secretariat for Communications and nominating Rev. Msgr. Dario Edoardo ViganĂ² as Prefect of the new Secretariat.
The Motu Proprio establishes that all communications offices will be incorporated under the direction of the new Secretariat for Communications, including the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Internet Service, Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Center (CTV), the Osservatore Romano, Vatican Typography, Photograph Service, and the Vatican Publishing House (Libreria Editrice Vaticana).
The new Dicastery will also work in union with the Secretariat of State for the direction of the institutional website of the Holy See, www.vatican.va and the Twitter account of the Holy Father: @pontifex .
Those nominated to direct the Secretariat are:
-Prefect: Rev. Msgr. Dario Edoardo ViganĂ², current Director of the Vatican Television Center (CTV)
-Secretary: Rev. Msgr. Lucio Adrian Ruiz, current Office Head of the Vatican Internet Service
-Director General: Dr. Paolo Nusiner, current Director General of Avvenire, Nuova Editoriale Italiana
-Vice Director General: Dr. Giacomo Ghisani, current Head of International Relations Office and Legal Affairs of the Vatican Radio and member of the Administrative Council of the Vatican Television Center (CTV)
The Secretariat for Communications officially comes into existence on 29 June 2015 and will have as its provisional seat Palazzo Pio on Piazza Pio 3.
Please find below a Vatican Radio translation of the Motu Proprio: "The current communicative context"
Establishment of the Secretariat for Communications
The current communication context, characterized by the presence and the development of digital media, by the factors of convergence and interactivity, requires a rethinking of the information system of the Holy See and dedication to a reorganization which, recognizing the history of internal development of the asset of communications of the Apostolic See, must proceed decisively towards integration and a unified management.
For these reasons, I desire that all organizations which, thus far have dealt with communications in different ways, be brought together in a new Dicastery of the Roman Curia, to be called the Secretariat for Communications. Thus, the communication system of the Holy See will respond in an ever more efficacious manner to the needs of the mission of the Church.
Therefore, after reviewing reports and studies, and recently having received the study on feasibility and having heard the unanimous opinion of the Council of Cardinals, I institute the Secretariat for Communications and establish the following:
Art. 1
Into the Dicastery, as presented by the Commission of Vatican Media, instituted on April 30, 2015, the following Organizations will be incorporated: Pontifical Council for Social Communications, the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Internet Service, Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Center (CTV), the Osservatore Romano, Vatican Typography, Photograph Service, and the Vatican Publishing House (Libreria Editrice Vaticana).
Art. 2
These organizations, from the date of publication of this Motu Proprio, must continue their own activities, in accordance, however, with the indications given by the Secretariat for Communications.
Art. 3
The new Department, in agreement with the Secretary of State, will assume the institutional website of the Holy See: www.vatican.va and the Twitter account of the Supreme Pontiff: @pontifex
Art. 4
The Secretariat for Communications will begin its duties on June 29, 2015, having as a provisional headquarters Palazzo Pio, Piazza Pia, 3, 00120 Vatican City.
Everything which I have deliberated with this Apostolic Letter issued under the form of Motu Proprio, I prescribe it to be observed in all its parts, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, even if worthy of special mention, and I establish that it be promulgated by publication in the newspaper L ' Osservatore Romano and, subsequently, in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on June 27 of the year 2015, the third of my Pontificate.
Francesco P.P.
(from Vatican Radio)
Pope Francis promulgates Motu Proprio instituting the ‘Secretariat for Communications’
2015-06-27 Vatican Radio

The Motu Proprio establishes that all communications offices will be incorporated under the direction of the new Secretariat for Communications, including the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Internet Service, Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Center (CTV), the Osservatore Romano, Vatican Typography, Photograph Service, and the Vatican Publishing House (Libreria Editrice Vaticana).
The new Dicastery will also work in union with the Secretariat of State for the direction of the institutional website of the Holy See, www.vatican.va and the Twitter account of the Holy Father: @pontifex .
Those nominated to direct the Secretariat are:
-Prefect: Rev. Msgr. Dario Edoardo ViganĂ², current Director of the Vatican Television Center (CTV)
-Secretary: Rev. Msgr. Lucio Adrian Ruiz, current Office Head of the Vatican Internet Service
-Director General: Dr. Paolo Nusiner, current Director General of Avvenire, Nuova Editoriale Italiana
-Vice Director General: Dr. Giacomo Ghisani, current Head of International Relations Office and Legal Affairs of the Vatican Radio and member of the Administrative Council of the Vatican Television Center (CTV)
The Secretariat for Communications officially comes into existence on 29 June 2015 and will have as its provisional seat Palazzo Pio on Piazza Pio 3.
Please find below a Vatican Radio translation of the Motu Proprio: "The current communicative context"
Establishment of the Secretariat for Communications
The current communication context, characterized by the presence and the development of digital media, by the factors of convergence and interactivity, requires a rethinking of the information system of the Holy See and dedication to a reorganization which, recognizing the history of internal development of the asset of communications of the Apostolic See, must proceed decisively towards integration and a unified management.
For these reasons, I desire that all organizations which, thus far have dealt with communications in different ways, be brought together in a new Dicastery of the Roman Curia, to be called the Secretariat for Communications. Thus, the communication system of the Holy See will respond in an ever more efficacious manner to the needs of the mission of the Church.
Therefore, after reviewing reports and studies, and recently having received the study on feasibility and having heard the unanimous opinion of the Council of Cardinals, I institute the Secretariat for Communications and establish the following:
Art. 1
Into the Dicastery, as presented by the Commission of Vatican Media, instituted on April 30, 2015, the following Organizations will be incorporated: Pontifical Council for Social Communications, the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Internet Service, Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Center (CTV), the Osservatore Romano, Vatican Typography, Photograph Service, and the Vatican Publishing House (Libreria Editrice Vaticana).
Art. 2
These organizations, from the date of publication of this Motu Proprio, must continue their own activities, in accordance, however, with the indications given by the Secretariat for Communications.
Art. 3
The new Department, in agreement with the Secretary of State, will assume the institutional website of the Holy See: www.vatican.va and the Twitter account of the Supreme Pontiff: @pontifex
Art. 4
The Secretariat for Communications will begin its duties on June 29, 2015, having as a provisional headquarters Palazzo Pio, Piazza Pia, 3, 00120 Vatican City.
Everything which I have deliberated with this Apostolic Letter issued under the form of Motu Proprio, I prescribe it to be observed in all its parts, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, even if worthy of special mention, and I establish that it be promulgated by publication in the newspaper L ' Osservatore Romano and, subsequently, in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on June 27 of the year 2015, the third of my Pontificate.
Francesco P.P.
(from Vatican Radio)
Friday, June 26, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015
"Tipping Point" on Climate Change?

Can the Pope's Letter Create a "Tipping Point" on Climate Change?
Posted: Updated:
When climate scientists refer to "tipping points" it is usually bad news -- a moment beyond which elevated levels of greenhouse gas emissions will result in extreme weather and catastrophic damage to life upon this planet. Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment may be seen as another "tipping point" -- towards ensuring that communities of faith take up the moral challenge to preserve and protect creation.
Francis' letter, at once poetic as well as analytical, encourages readers to begin by contemplating nature's beauty and complexity. In this regard, the encyclical quoted a 2003 pastoral letter on the environment by the bishops of Canada, "From panoramic vistas to the tiniest living form, nature is a constant source of wonder and awe. It is also a continuing revelation of the divine."
The pope's encyclical is extremely long, reaching almost 200 pages. It covers a wide range of topics, such as water, biodiversity loss, the decline in the quality of human life, global inequality, the need for "ecological conversion" (first stated by his predecessor John Paul II in 1990) and even "political love." Already in the United States, criticism of the Pope has appeared from Republican candidates for the presidency as well as conservative commentators (well before they had read the document.)
Yet the Pope's encyclical presents several challenges worthy of attention.
A Moral Challenge
Francis believes that "authentic human development has a moral character." And he uses the strongest condemnation a religious leader can communicate by referring to "attacks on nature" as sinful.
The Pope's encyclical advances the moral argument away from some traditional theologies, which sternly interpreted the Genesis passages as giving license for humans to "dominate" the entire created order. It is instructive that the encyclical does not employ the "stewardship frame;" that is, it does not place the human over creation but more adequately sees human beings as part of creation's web of life.
The word "stewardship" only appears once in the entire document -- and then it is referring to another citation. The Pope asks that the biblical texts be "read in their context, with an appropriate hermeneutic." He understands that "a misguided anthropocentrism leads to a misguided lifestyle" and also leads to" inappropriate interpretations of the Bible."
A Challenge to International Solidarity
One would expect a man from the Global South (where his church is growing) to be sensitive to the need for international development and just relations. Francis understands that "The same mindset which stands in the way of making radical decisions to reverse the trend of global warming also stands in the way of achieving the goal of eliminating poverty. A more responsible overall approach is needed to deal with both problems: the reduction of pollution and the development of poorer countries and regions."
This Pope is a critic of unrestrained capitalism's "deified market," acknowledges the need to change "models of development" and recognizes the "ecological debt" owed to poor countries.
But the greater responsibility to act lies upon those countries, like Canada, which developed their own economies by the unrestrained burning of fossil fuels. "There is a need for common and differentiated responsibilities... the countries which have benefited from a high degree of industrialization, at the cost of enormous emissions of greenhouse gases, have a greater responsibility for providing a solution to the problems they have caused."
A Challenge to Canadians
Canadians must not stop at changing light-bulbs or recycling household waste -- important as these activities remain. "Self-improvement on the part of individuals will not by itself remedy the extremely complex situation facing our world today... Social problems must be addressed by community networks and not simply by the sum of individual good deeds... The ecological conversion needed to bring about lasting change is also a community conversion."
Francis believes that "a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor." Thus a suitable response to the encyclical might be for Canadian Catholics to demand a federal poverty reduction plan with "green" policy sensitivities from candidates to federal Parliament.
Francis notes that "it is remarkable how weak the international responses have been" to the climate crisis to date. Canada has often been criticized for blocking progress on international agreements to address climate change, and the recently announced target our government will bring to the table at the COP 21 negotiations in Paris this December is reported to be the weakest among all G-7 nations.
The Pope discusses the need for a "replacing" fossil fuel use and encourages renewable energy -- policy options that Canadians should encourage our governments to adopt.
Canadian faith communities will soon be asked to collaborate in developing and publishing a pastoral statement on climate change, poverty, and Indigenous rights. The only time a similar proposal was advanced, in October 2011, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops declined to sign.
Has the Pope now provided a tipping point to which his flock will respond?
Monday, June 15, 2015
Pope to Russian Orthodox Church: Let us pray, so that everything can get...
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Saturday, June 13, 2015
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Seven questions about the ecology encyclical you were afraid to ask
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Monday, June 8, 2015
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Use the computer for good causes that help us grow//
Pope to youth
Use the computer for good causes that help us grow//
Pope to youth
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Friday, June 5, 2015
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
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